Cardigan Community Centre, 145-149 Cardigan Rd, Burley, Leeds LS6 1LJ
Tel: 0113 221 4675

Health and Wellbeing Coaches

Our Service:
Health & Wellbeing Coaches (HWBC) work with you to make positive lifestyle changes. Become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
Health and Wellbeing Coaches focus on what matters to you and can help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing, empowering you to achieve goals and overcome barriers. Take control of your own health
How does it work?
Health Coaches offer non-clinical appointments for 30–45 minutes.
Patients will receive 6-10 sessions over a period of 12 weeks. In health coaching, conversations focus on you, your goals and your values.
Is Health Coaching for you?
Health Coaching is for people who want support to make lifestyle behaviour changes. HWBC can support people with long term conditions and weight management. Specialist support is available for patients with individual cultural needs.
You must be over 18 years of age. To be referred, speak with a healthcare professional.
Referral Criteria
Who can be referred?
o 18+
o Long term conditions – Overweight, Obesity, diabetes, prediabetes
o Motivated to make lifestyle behaviour change
o Registered with a GP practice with the Woodsley & Holt Park PCN.
o Patients from ethnic minority groups that have low level mental health issues
o Specialist coaching available for patients with individual cultural needs
Who shouldn’t be referred?
o Under 18
o Receiving palliative care
o Patients in crisis
o Not currently ready to change
o Eating disorders or mental health issues requiring therapeutic input