Cardigan Community Centre, 145-149 Cardigan Rd, Burley, Leeds LS6 1LJ
Tel: 0113 221 4675


Our Service:
We are a team of 10 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists covering all surgeries in the Woodsley and Holt Park PCN’s. We can be found providing face to face clinics at Craven Road, Burton Croft, Vesper Road, Abbey Grange, Ireland Wood Surgery, New Croft Surgery, Fieldhead, Highfield Surgery, Kirkstall Lane Medical Centre, Burley Park Medical Centre and the Cardigan Road Community Centre.
The role of a First Contact Practitioner (FCP) - Physiotherapist in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway. As the name suggests we can provide the initial consultation without the patient having to consult a GP first, self referral, but are happy to see patients from any of our primary care colleagues.
We do not provide a course of in-house physiotherapy. Ideally patients are care navigated by GP surgery reception staff directly into our diaries but we are also happy for GP’s, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacy staff and Social Prescribers to direct patients our way.
The role of a First Contact Practitioner (FCP) - Physiotherapist in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway. As the name suggests we can provide the initial consultation without the patient having to consult a GP first, self referral, but are happy to see patients from any of our primary care colleagues.
Examples of patients suitable for FCP consultation
• All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries
• Arthritis – any joint
• Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, eg tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
• Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain
• Spinal-related pain in arms or legs (brachalgia/sciatica) including nerve symptoms eg pins and needles or numbness
Patients we DO NOT wish to consult
• Acutely unwell
• Children under 18
• Medical management of rheumatoid conditions
• Women’s health, antenatal and postnatal problems
• House-bound patients
• Medication reviews for non-MSK conditions
• Neurological and respiratory conditions
• Headaches
• Acute mental health crises
• Patients who do not want to see a FCP
If a “course” of physiotherapy is required following an assessment or it is felt that more of an indepth musculoskeletal assessment is required, FCP staff will refer the patient on to the Leeds MSK service just as a GP would. Some FCP staff are also able to order investigations through ICE, refer to orthopaedics and provide corticosteroid injections.